Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
EARN UPTO 6000 to 8000 Rs. By Captcha WORK
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If They asked u INVITATION CODE Type- BHFH
Welcome to
The easiest and fastest way to Work online. Please read this small tutorial before proceeding.
You can start working by clicking on "Start Working" on the TOP left corner of the screen.
Click on Solve Images to start working.
You will need to type the text as shown in the images and then press Enter. The Images will start appearing one by one automatically.
You must press the Enter key after you typed the text
Each image must be typed with the correct case for each letter.
This is an example of an image with both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Some of the images are only partially readable; you must type the readable portions of the image, even if this means leaving out the unreadable parts.
Partially Readable Image
If an image is completely unreadable, you may click the "DON'T KNOW" button.You may also press the Esc key if you want to quickly skip that unreadable image.
Unreadable Image
You may also notice that there’s a timer running on top of your images. You must type the contents of the images before the time runs out.
Type fast! Don't let the timer run out!
When you would like to take a break, type the text (don’t press Enter!) and then click on SUBMIT AND PAUSE.This is the only way to pause. We will know whenever you leave the page or close the browser.
Type the text (don't press Enter) and click the SUBMIT AND PAUSE button to take a break
In, the work that you do will be rewarded with TyperCredits.
The TyperCredits will be automatically changed to a dollar currency, on a 1-1 ratio.In other words, One (1) TyperCredit will be equivalent to One (1) dollar; Two (2) TyperCredits will be equivalent to Two (2) dollars and so on.
The amount of TyperCredits that you make will depend on the amount of work performed, and at what time (payment rates vary per hour) you work.
The Payment rates will show you the amount of TyperCredits that you will earn if you type in 1000 images. For example: If you have a payment rate of 0.50$TC for 1000 images, you will earn $0.50TyperCredits (convertible to a dollar currency) when you type 1000 images. The Payment Rates will be changing every hour. You can check the payment rates for every hour of the day in the “Statistics” page. The Payment rate for the current hour will be highlighted.
Example of how Payment rates are shown. These are not the current payment rates!
For details of how much you’ve earned, you can go to "Profile and Payments". Here you will find information about:
- Your estimated balance: the amount of TyperCredits that you have accumulated so far.
- The required minimum balance before you get paid.
- And other information about your financials.
The Payments of converted TyperCredits (on dollar currencies) are made automatically every Monday when using the following e-currencies: Paypal, Perfect Money, Payza, BitCoins.
For other payment methods such as Western Union, payments are made once a month.
And lastly, please read the "Rules" page. Here you will find clear guidelines about what you shouldn't do while working in You can find the "Rules" page after clicking on "Help".
To go into the Rules page, you must click on "Guidance and Assistance" first. is continuously evolving; we recommend that you look into any other page that wasn't mentioned in his tutorial!
Thanks for joining! Remember, the faster you work the more you earn!
If They asked u INVITATION CODE Type- BHFH
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Create Bootable USB without any software on Windows 10:
- Insert your USB flash drive to your computer.
- Search for ‘cmd’ in Windows 10 from the taskbar, Command Prompt will appear. Alternatively, you can also open the Command Prompt by pressingwindows+R at the same time and typing in ‘cmd’ in the ‘Run’ window and hitting enter.
- Right click on Command Prompt and select ‘Run as Administrator’ in case you have searched for cmd in the Windows 10 Taskbar.
- Once the Command Prompt window appears, type diskpart and hit enter. Wait until the diskpart utility runs in another window.
- In the new diskpart window, type list disk and hit enter. It will show you all active disks on your computer.
Most probably, you will see two Disk types.
- Disk 0 for hard drive and,
- Disk 1 for your USB Flash Drive with its total capacity.
Since we are going to work on to create bootable USB drive, we will work with Disk 1.
- Type select disk 1 in the same windows and hit Enter. You will get a message ‘Disk 1 is now the selected disk’. That means, any further operation that you do will affect your disk 1 directly.
- Type clean and hit Enter to remove all of the data in the USB drive. Clean command will format your bootable drive. You will get a message like ‘Diskpart succeeded in cleaning the disk’.
- Type create partition primary and hit Enter. You will get a message likeDiskpart succeeded in creating the specified partition.
- Type select partition 1 and hit Enter. It will choose partition 1 for setting up it as an active partition.
- Type active and hit Enter. It will activate the current partition.
- Type format fs=ntfs quick and hit Enter. This command will format your current partition as NTFS file system quickly.
- Type exit and hit Enter. Exit command will close the Diskpart program. But do not close the command prompt Windows.
Now before we proceed, let us assume that the USB drive is the G: drive and the DVD installer is located on drive E:. And, you also have inserted a DVD inside the DVD drive from where you want to copy the data to create a bootable USB drive.
By default, Command Prompt’s active directory for Administrator permission is on C:\Windows\System32>. We will navigate Command Prompt to set on DVD (E:) as its active directory. Remember there should be a DVD inside DVD installer.
- Just type E: then hit Enter, and then the active directory is changed to E.
- Type cd boot and hit Enter. Now the active directory is changed to E:\boot>
- Type bootsect /nt60 g: and hit Enter. It will create the boot sector on G: drive (USB Flash drive).
- Type exit and hit Enter to close the Command Prompt.
Until this step, we have been successfully able to create a bootable USB drive and the flash drive is ready to be used as a boot media.
To install Windows from a bootable USB drive, we just need to copy the whole installation files contained on the DVD installer to the USB flash drive.
- To do this, open the Command Prompt as in previous steps.
- Once the command prompt is open, type xcopy e: \ *. * G: \ / E / H / F and then press Enter. Wait until all the files in the DVD installer are copied onto the flash drive.
Now bootable USB drive is ready to be used for installing Windows from the Flash drive and you’re done.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
How to Hack a Secured Wifi Network With Android mobile
Hi Friends…! After A Long Research… Today We Are Back With Most Wanted Wifi Hacking App, Which Will Really Amaze You With Its Features And Its Capicity To Hack Wifi Network Effectively. And This App Will Helps You To Crack Any Wpa/Wps Enabled Wifi Networks. And Now Without Wasting Any More Time Come Let Us Go To Actuall Steps To Make Use Of This Wifi Tool.
Your Phone Must Be Rooted!!!
How To Hack Wifi Network Within Few Seconds:
Your Phone Must Be Rooted!!!
How To Hack Wifi Network Within Few Seconds:
- In Order To Hack Wifi Network You Need To Download “Wifi Wpa Wps Tester” App From Here.
- Then Switch On Your Wifi Network And Scan For Available Wpa/Wps Wifi Network.
- As Soon As You Notice Available Wifi Network Then Open “Wifi Wpa Wps Tester” App.
- Now You Need To Click On Green Colour Reffresh Button And It Will Show You All Available Networks There.
- Now Just Click On [Green Colour Locked Key Locker] Symbol And Click On Try To Connect Network Option.
- Now It Will Show You Some Thing Like This:
- Now You Can See Password Of That Wifi In The Above Given Code, Which Is Coated Just Infront Of The Text Psk.
- For Ex: In The Above Case The Password Of The Wifi Network is password.
- Yipeee! You Are Done! You Have Hacked Wifi Network Sucessfully…..
- This Wifi Hacking Tool Will Only Work On wpa/wps Wifi Networks So Don’t Try With Just wpa Or Wpa2 Networks And Don’t Loose Your Hope.
- Even Though You Try Hack wpa/wps Networks Some Times It Failed To Hack And Its Due To You Are Too Far Away From Router Or Rourter Is Not Vunerable To Hack.
- Please Don’t Try This With Public Wifi Networks As It Was Illegal To Do That.
- This Post Is Just For Educational Purpose And To Retrive Your Own Password Of Your Own Wifi Network. And We Don’t Take Any Responsiblity Of Any Missuse Of This Tool Or This Article.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
How To Switch On Your Friend Bluetooth Forever
Switch on ur friend phone bluetooth and dial *#9990# and ur friend bluetooth will be locked forever To Unblock This Service Dial - #...
Switch on ur friend phone bluetooth and dial *#9990# and ur friend bluetooth will be locked forever To Unblock This Service
Dial - #9990#
Then restart the phone and switch off the bluetooth.if you do This trick no matter how your friend switch off his Bluetooth it can never switch off until you cancel it with unlock code.
Working On Some Devices
Working On Some Devices
Saturday, 9 January 2016
How to Listen to Text Messages on Android & iPhone
How to Listen to Text Messages on Android & iPhone
Imagine that if you are a busy person and you don’t have time to listen to your text messages or when you are driving your car and waiting for an important text from your boss or fiance. You can listen to all your important text messages by just one command or one tap while you’re driving or in your busy time. That will be the coolest thing we can have on our Smartphone isn’t it?
How to listen to text messages on iPhone?
There are two ways to listen to your text messages on iPhone:
- By using Siri, simply give Siri a command such as “Read my text messages” or “Read my latest text messages”.
- By turning on the Speak Selection function in Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech and then tapping your messages.
How to listen to text messages on Android?
If you are an android user and searching for a good android application to listen to text messages then I found these two android applications very useful.
- SMS Reader: It’s a free application that automatically captures incoming SMS and reads it aloud for you.
-®: It is also a free application with many other cool features and you should give it a try.
How to use Whatsapp without any Number
How to use Whatsapp without any Number
Yeah! it’s true and works very well and we make it possible. If you don’t believe try it yourself.
- Firstly completely remove Whatsapp from your phone.
- Then, set your phone to airplane mode and the download and install Whatsapp. Of course, you should be on wifi but if your don’t have wifi the down the Whatsapp APK file manually and install it.
- Now follow the on-screen instruction and fill any phone number. Don’t worry it will not able to send the message because your phone will be airplane mode.
- Then, once it will not able to send the message, it will ask you to select an alternative method select check through SMS.
- Enter your email address and tap on submit button, then immediately tap the cancel button.
- Now if you are an android user then you need to install Spoof Text Message and for iPhone users, there is an app named as Fake a Message.
- After completing the above process, go to outbox and copy the message and send it to your spoofed number.
Use these details in order to complete this false verification process
To: +447900347295
From: (Country Code) (Mobile Number)
Message: Your Email ID
From: (Country Code) (Mobile Number)
Message: Your Email ID
- Now these detail will be sent to that fake number, that’s it.
Isn’t it cool, now you chat and call with anyone without giving your phone number, hope you enjoyed.
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